Here's a link you may or may not be interested in - Is Twitter Replacing Blogging?
As you can gather from the title it's discussing the rise of Twitter and Facebook as a blogging tool. There are a lot of blogging tools available: Blogger (host of the fine blog you're reading now) and Wordpress, Tumblr, Facebook and Twitter to name but a few. Twitter and Facebook both facilitate"micro-blogging" - limiting the user's text entry capacity (Twitter, for example, allows a maximum of140 characters) to a much smaller amount than previously possible. The current topic du jour is how these micro blogging sites render the other fully fledged tools redundant, cutting the bloat and fat of the wordy post down to it's component information.
As far as Game Concluded's opinion - I think there's room for both, however I'm a bit wary of limiting what people want to say. This already happens in the world of SMS, with many people carrying over their text-speak to real life - I've lost count of the amount of times I've received an email or IM in reduced text-speak and it's a real shame. We need less compression, more expansion. More eloquence, more story telling, more English.
Out of interest I ran Game Concluded through a blog post word count tool, and it averages 300 words per post which is below average. My aim for the blog is for it to be as succinct and to the point as possible without being too wordy. Hopefully I'm on track.
Anyway, I'm about to board a tram to the Engineering Deck of the USG Ishimura. C U L8TR.
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